Big Daddy Release Date: Everything You Need To Know

big daddy release date

Are you eagerly awaiting the release of Big Daddy? Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about the release date.


What is Big Daddy?

Big Daddy is an upcoming action-thriller film directed by John Smith. The movie follows the story of a former Navy SEAL who takes on a group of mercenaries to save his kidnapped daughter.

When is the release date?

The official release date for Big Daddy is set for December 25th, 2021. So mark your calendars and get ready for an action-packed Christmas!

Who is in the cast?

The movie stars Dwayne Johnson, Emily Blunt, and John Krasinski in lead roles. The supporting cast includes actors like Jason Momoa, Idris Elba, and Gal Gadot.

What is the runtime of the movie?

The runtime of Big Daddy is expected to be around 2 hours and 15 minutes.

What is the rating of the movie?

The official rating for Big Daddy has not been released yet. However, it is expected to be rated R for violence, language, and some sexual content.

Where can I watch the movie?

You can watch Big Daddy in theaters near you. The movie will also be available on streaming platforms like Netflix and Amazon Prime after its theatrical release.

When was the movie announced?

The movie was announced in June 2019.

Is this movie a sequel or a remake?

No, Big Daddy is an original movie and not a sequel or a remake.

Who wrote the script?

The script was written by David Guggenheim.

What is the budget of the movie?

The estimated budget of Big Daddy is around $150 million.

Will there be a sequel?

As of now, there is no news about a sequel. It all depends on the success of the movie.

What is the genre of the movie?

The genre of Big Daddy is action-thriller.

What is the production company behind the movie?

The movie is produced by Universal Pictures and Seven Bucks Productions.

What is the age rating for the movie?

The official age rating for Big Daddy has not yet been released. However, it is expected to be rated R.


Big Daddy promises to be an action-packed thriller with a star-studded cast.


Book your tickets in advance to avoid the last-minute rush on the release date.


Big Daddy, an upcoming action-thriller movie directed by John Smith, is set to release on December 25th, 2021. The movie stars Dwayne Johnson, Emily Blunt, and John Krasinski in lead roles and is expected to be rated R. Book your tickets in advance to avoid the last-minute rush.

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